combine 1造句

"combine 1"是什么意思   


  1. In a large bowl , combine 1 ripe cantaloupe , scooped into 1 - inch balls with a melon baller ( about 3 cups ) , 8 ounces bocconcini ( small fresh - mozzarella balls ) or fresh mozzarella cut into 1 - inch cubes ( about 2 cups ) , 2 to 3 thin slices ham or prosciutto , cut into strips , and 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice ; season with salt and pepper
    取一只大碗,将1个熟的哈密瓜用挖球器挖成一英寸的小球(大约需要3杯) , 8盎司的干酪(小的,新鲜的意大利干酪球)或把新鲜的意大利干酪切成一英寸的方块(大约需要2杯) , 2至3片薄的火腿或意大利熏火腿切成条,和1大汤匙新鲜的柠檬汁,都放入碗中搅拌,用盐和胡椒粉调味。
  2. It's difficult to find combine 1 in a sentence. 用combine 1造句挺难的


  1. "combinatory parsing"造句
  2. "combinatory possibility"造句
  3. "combinatul siderurgic hunedoara"造句
  4. "combind"造句
  5. "combine"造句
  6. "combine additively"造句
  7. "combine advisor"造句
  8. "combine against"造句
  9. "combine as single object"造句
  10. "combine baler"造句

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